Sougwen Chung creates collaborative art with her robot. It learns from her style of drawing, turning her practice of art-making into a real-time duet.
Photoshop added another content-aware feature — it replaces a whole part of a photo with a relevant piece from Adobe Stock collection. No need for intense retouching anymore. Another experiment is Project Cloak which replaces objects on videos. See more MAX 2017 announces based on Adobe Sensei platform (Puppetron and PhysicsPak are the best).
This one-day workshop explores several issues in the domain of generative models for creativity and design. 32 papers were published.
Class Central analyzed online courses on machine learning and selected the best.
A fantastic overview of design process for products that use machine learning from Josh Lovejoy and Jess Holbrook. Here's a case study that applies these principles to Google Clips camera.
Lassi Liikkanen shows 3 key applications: detection, prediction, and generation.
Sandra Upson writes about a new way to produce audio, video, or text that resembles the real world. It could lead to fake reviews and even events.
Microsoft inclusive design team defined five biases for AI: dataset, association, automation, interaction, and confirmation.
Ed Hess says that the new smart will be determined not by what or how you know but by the quality of your thinking, listening, relating, collaborating, and learning.
Drew Thomas tries to find a niche for design agencies in the world of cheap websites built by advanced online builders.