
Salesforce Einstein Designer

This engine personalizes user interface elements based on user browsing history and preferences. I.e., a product card in e-commerce could highlight different information. More about criteria it takes into account, analysis process, and prototyping.

Giles Colborne on AI

Advice to designers about how to continue being useful in this new era and how to use various data sources to build and teach algorithms. The only element of classic UX design in Spotify’s Discover Weekly feature is the track list, whereas the distinctive work is done by a recommendation system that fills this design template with valuable music.

Airbnb Smart Pricing

The team learned how to answer the question, “What will the booked price of a listing be on any given day in the future?” so that its hosts could set competitive prices.

Anticipatory Design

It takes a broader view of UX personalization and anticipation of user wishes. We already have these types of things on our phones: Google Now and Siri automatically propose a way home from work using location history data However, the key factor here is trust. To execute anticipatory experiences, people have to give large companies permission to gather personal usage data in the

Mutative Design

A well-though-out model of adaptive interfaces that considers many variables to fit particular users by Liam Spradlin. Here's another application of this idea by researchers from Aalto & Kochi Universities.

Personalizing UX