Generative art Open Graph preview images

Matthew Ström generates Open Graph images for his blog.

Microsoft Designer

A simple design tool from Microsoft. It generates images with DALL-E 2 and mockup layouts by text prompt. How it works. They have several experimental tools like that (e.g. Bing Image Creator).

Alibaba LuBan

One-click intelligent design image generation, intelligent layout, size expansion, color expansion, and other design services. Users can generate multiple sets of design solutions that meet the requirements in real time by simply inputting the desired style and size. More about it.

Nutella Unica

The algorithm pulled from a database of dozens of patterns and colours to create seven million different versions of Nutella's graphic identity, which have been splashed across the front of jars in Italy.

Yandex Market (in Russian)

A promotional image generator for e-commerce product lists. A marketer fills a simple form with a title and an image, and then the generator proposes an endless number of variations, all of which conform to design guidelines.


A script crops movie characters for posters, then applies a stylized and localized movie title, then runs automatic experiments on a subset of users. Real magic! A new version started to personalize a poster image for different users (i.e., to show a particular actor or just a mood).


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